Rennes School of Business: successful migration of its ERP hosting from Microsoft Azure to NFrance

Published on February 5, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Rennes School of Business (RSB) was won over by the Cloud offering from NFrance and its partner Auriga (France's leading software publisher for managing higher education Schooling) to migrate the hosting of its ERP from Microsoft Azure to NFrance.

Testimony of Christophe KERHOUSSE, Director of Cloud Hosting & Support Services

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance

Auriga, publisher of Aurion, a management software package for higher education Schools (Business Schools, Engineering Schools, Training Institutes) has been offering a Cloud offering based on Cloud Pro from its partner NFrance since 2018.

Rennes School Of Business, an Aurion user since 2017, has chosen to migrate its hosting of the Aurion software package from Microsoft Azure to NFrance hosting.
This migration was motivated primarily by the following strengths:
  • Take advantage of Systancia's virtualization solutions virtualization solutions (replacing a fat client via VPN) to boost productivity and User Mobility,
  • Integrate an Auriga-NFrance based on the expertise and experience of Auriga (Aurion application architecture and operation) and NFrance (production of complex technical platforms in Cloud Pro),
  • Rely on a dedicated infrastructure and a new set of shared Services (identity, access and flow management, application delivery and facilities management),
  • Optimize process security by reducing the number of people involved
In just one quarter, the migration project was up and running. Auriga steered the project, specifying with NFrance and RSB the key milestones and the RACI (Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed) defining the roles and responsibilities of each party.
The implementation of the 3 new environments (Training, Pre-production and Production) was carried out and tested according to a precise schedule, taking into account all the technical and functional issues of the software package and its urbanization within RSB's On Premise IS. Auriga was able to rely on the expertise, agility and involvement of the NFrance technical team at every stage of the project.

The project in figures

  • A 150 GB database requiring a first-rate technical platform,
  • 110 back-office Users heavy client delivered by Systancia (AppliDis),
  • Between 4,000 and 5,000 "front-office "sessions per day,
  • More than 1.5 TB of transfers per week on the front end.