NFrance to obtain ISO 27001 certification in 2020

[Press release]

Published on September 17, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

NFrance, the Toulouse-based SME specializing in hosting and outsourcing of mission-critical applications, reinforces its expertise in data security by obtaining ISO 27001 certification for its hosting infrastructures and datacenter network capacities. NFrance joins a select group of national companies to have received this certification. This certification testifies to the solidity and reliability of its Services.

Recognized security of NFrance datacenter hosting and network infrastructures

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance

ObtainingISO 27001 certificationcertification, issued by AFNOR Certification on August 10, 2020 for its hosting infrastructures and network capacities in itsdatacenteris in line with the trust placed by NFrance's customers and partners in the security of theirdigital assets.This certification guarantees a comprehensive technical and organizational framework for protection measures applied to physical infrastructures and network delivery, access management, staff skills, and the operation of infrastructure servers and backup systems. This framework ensures the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information.

Ensuring continuous improvement in the security of the datacenter and all hosting infrastructures

By beingISO 27001 certifiedcertification, NFrance guarantees that the hosting infrastructure associated with thedatacenterSchool Principal datacenter and network provisioning. This certificationattests to the best practices and proceduresimplemented toensure the security of data entrusted to us by our customers.

NFrance undertakes to carry out a recurringrisk reassessmentand invests daily in continuouscontinuous improvement in safety.

NFrance certifié ISO 27001 - certifications
NFrance certifié ISO 27001 - certifications

Security of datacenter Services: the priority of NFrance's strategic policy

NFrance is committed to offering a high level of data security. This is a strategic issue at the heart of our policy. By obtaining ISO 27001 certification for our datacenter's hosting and network infrastructures, we can guarantee our customers information security processes in line with current best practices. Compliance with the most demanding international security standards is an integral part of NFrance's quality policy. We are very proud to have obtained this certification. Jean Planet, President of NFrance

With this in mind, and to continue offering state-of-the-art Services, NFrance is working on new certifications for its outsourcing and healthcare data hosting (HDS) activities. These certifications will attest to NFrance's excellence in these fields.

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How to implement ISO 27001 certification?
Jean-Luc CONQ interviewed by Datacenter Magazine

Jean-Luc's advice on ISO 27001 certification
Jean-Luc CONQ interviewed by Datacenter Magazine