Meet Bertrand, Linux infrastructure technical lead

Published on December 1, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Bertrand is currently Lead tech infras Linux and joined NFrance 2 years ago. In direct contact with our customers, he participates in the design of architectures, coordinates and contributes to the implementation of infrastructures and systems.

What's your background?

I'm a graduate of the BTS in computer science and management, with a degree in communication and integration of multimedia products and services. After my training, I worked for several companies on technical support and scripting assignments. I first joined NFrance in 2009 as a support technician. This experience lasted three years, before I decided I wanted to discover another field and move into new activities. I worked for a while in a service company as a Systems Administrator, before setting up my own IT services company for SMEs. I developed other Skills in technical design, R&D and software integration. After several years, NFrance contacted me again to join their teams.

Témoignage Bertrand NFrance
Témoignage Bertrand NFrance

What made you want to return to the NFrance teams?

NFrance offered me an opportunity to develop both technically and in terms of responsibilities. It was an opportunity to pursue my career in system Settings, while managing projects and developing my skills in DevOps. New challenges!

What's your day-to-day life like, if you had to explain your job to your grandparents and/or parents?

I'm a multi-tasker. I'm in charge of the day-to-day running of the IT equipment, always making sure that it's state-of-the-art. I'm also in charge of resolving any complex technical problems that may arise, which we call level 3 support. Finally, I interface with customers to help them define the technical solutions best suited to their needs, and to implement, monitor and develop their hosting projects.

What do you like about your job?

The versatility of my activities. I'm involved in different facets of Settings, and the technical scope is very broad. You get to take a critical look at what's been done, with a view to improving it. It's an interesting challenge.
We're also working in an open source environment, which is unusual and offers a lot of possibilities.
Finally, I'm working more and more in DevOps mode, with intensive use of Ansible on existing technologies and plans for Docker and Kubernetes container technologies.

What qualities do you think are required for this job?

You need to be curious, have a certain amount of autonomy and enjoy looking for solutions. Being open to a broad spectrum of open-source technologies is also important.

What are your key references in your field?

I regularly consult the and websites, which enable me to maintain my knowledge and compare technical solutions. is also a reference site for tutorials and documentation on Linux systems, which I use regularly.

If you hadn't done this job, what would you have done?

I would have become an intermittent performer. I've been playing trumpet semi-professionally for several years. But I preferred the keyboard!