HDS certification: one of the highest levels of security for your data

Published on May 6, 2024 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Since 2023, we have been proud to benefit from dual ISO 27001 and HDS certification for our physical infrastructure hosting services. What is the purpose of HDS certification? How does it work? What is its scope? Let's find out everything you need to know about HDS certification.

In just a few decades, the management and security of data centers has become increasingly complex. Data has become increasingly sensitive, carrying the entire digital identity of companies and individuals.

To meet the growing demand for storage and security of confidential data managed by companies, the range of hosting providers has expanded considerably...

So, how do you choose the right hosting provider? Consult their level of certification, guaranteeing the reliability and security of their installations.

NFrance, twice certified since 2023

To prevent the disclosure or destruction of confidential information, and to comply with current regulations, hosting providers like NFrance comply with stringent security rules.

While the simplest of these are limited to managing access rights to stored data, others guarantee a high degree of protection usually reserved for the most high-performance datacenters.

In 2020, NFrance will obtain ISO 27001 certification certification for hosting infrastructures and network capacities, before completing it in 2023 for its hosting offer and public cloud infrastructure Services.
certifié ISO 27001
certifié ISO 27001

In 2023, we reach a new milestone with HDS HDS certification for our physical infrastructure hosting activities (activities 1 and 2).
certifié HDS
certifié HDS

HDS certification is particularly demanding, and has become a must for optimum security of your sensitive data.

What is HDS certification?

HDS certification, for Healthcare Data Hosting, is a French standard designed to guarantee the security, traceability, sovereignty and confidentiality of digitally hosted healthcare data.

It is one of the highest levels of certification for data protection. HDS certification attests that data is hosted in a secure environment, respecting high standards of protection and confidentiality. HDS certification is part of the scope of requirements for ISO 27001 certification.

In practical terms, it provides a strict framework for protecting confidential data against unauthorized access, loss or leakage. In the case of NFrance, our HDS certification covers levels 1 and 2:

  • HDS certification levels 1 and 2 Levels 1 and 2 are for physical infrastructure hosting providers. They are necessary for any organization that owns and manages computer servers. This is the case for NFrance, which provides and maintains in operational condition the hardware infrastructure and physical site designed to host and process data considered highly sensitive.

How did NFrance obtain HDS certification?

The HDS certification process calls for a high degree of professionalism and monitoring, and is carried out over a 3-year period under the supervision of AFNOR, an accredited body representing France at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO standards) and the European Committee for Standardization. When applying for certification, AFNOR organizes a Grade visit, before preparing for the audit. A certification Repository is used to screen all proofs of conformity, whether virtual or physical.

Certification HDS étape par étape
Certification HDS étape par étape

A total of 54 requirements are taken into account, without prioritization. They cover all requirements within the given perimeter. Their completion gives access to the HDS certificate, issued for three years.

NFrance obtained certification right from the first audit.

  • HDS certification is a regulated decree. Each modification to the HDS certification Repository is published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Thereafter, surveillance audits are carried out every year, to monitor and optimize the sensitive points raised during the initial audit. At the end of the 3-year period, a full renewal audit is again carried out, requiring NFrance to constantly evolve to offer the highest levels of digital security.

Why choose NFrance, an HDS-certified hosting provider?

Pourquoi faire appel à un hébergeur certifié ?
Pourquoi faire appel à un hébergeur certifié ?

What are the risks for data hosted without HDS certification?

Without using a secure hosting provider that meets the highest security standards, such as NFrance, you are exposing yourself to an increased risk of data loss resulting from a poorly secured infrastructure, flaws in management systems or inadequate monitoring. Among the immediate risks to which hosting providers without HDS certification are exposed are :

  • Phishing
  • Malicious software or malware
  • Ransomware
  • DDoS attacks

Since 2023, we have been proud to benefit from dual ISO 27001 and HDS certification for our physical infrastructure hosting Services.

Protect your data now with the highest degree of security by contacting our team.

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