French sovereign cloud: definition and challenges

Published on June 1, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

The cloud revolution has already been underway for several years now. The cloud simplifies document sharing, digital application operation and data storage. More and more sensitive data is being stored in the cloud, but what about security and traceability?

The sovereign cloud guarantees data security and confidentiality on French soil, and is a major challenge for companies and Local authorities.
What is the sovereign cloud? Who is it aimed at? What are the advantages for businesses and Local authorities?

Sovereign cloud: origin and definition

Launched in 2009 by national institutions, the "sovereign cloud" project was designed to protect against industrial espionage and preserve France's digital sovereignty. As our Services become increasingly digital, the need for data hosting continues to grow. For a long time, companies have naturally turned to the world's leading hosting companies, particularly the American giants, who are subject to the Patriot Act. These laws authorize the American security Services to access data held by companies without prior authorization. This exposes companies to the risk of espionage.

In summary, the sovereign cloud can be defined as the storage of data and applications by a French hosting provider on French soil. Hosted data is therefore subject to French law. Your sensitive data and industrial intelligence are therefore preserved.

The Sovereign Cloud is designed for companies, Local authorities or any organization using sensitive data, for example in the public administration, healthcare or research sectors.

French sovereign cloud: what are the benefits for businesses and Local authorities?

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance


The first advantage of hosting your data with a French hosting provider on French soil is to ensure data confidentiality and traceability. You can access your data at any time, and know where it is.

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance


The second advantage lies in the geographical proximity of your hosting provider. This can mean faster execution of your digital applications, greater stability and optimized availability, for example.

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance


Proximity to a French company can help you develop a relationship of trust, simplifying exchanges and meetings. Some hosting companies also offer to manage your data and guarantee high-quality IT monitoring. In this way, you create a genuine partnership with your host, so you can focus on your business with peace of mind.

How do you choose your French sovereign cloud hosting provider?

Modular cloud solutions

To host your data securely, you can opt for different hosting options such as private cloud, hybrid cloud or public cloud, depending on your needs. Your hosting provider must be able to offer you a flexible architecture and infrastructure tailored to the way your business operates.

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance
Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance

Certifications for confidence and safety

Several certifications ensure that you can work with confidence with your hosting provider. ISO 27001 certification, for example, guarantees the best practices and procedures put in place to ensure the security of the data you entrust to us. Other certifications, such as HDS, guarantee the security of sensitive data in the healthcare sector. And recently, the SecNumCloud label has further strengthened these requirements for cloud players to implement good security practices.

Safety devices

To ensure optimum security for your data, the NFrance cloud integrates numerous security features by default. There are, of course, the classic regular, automated updates, but there are also anti-DDoS protection solutions that will automatically mitigate most attacks. In addition to standard monitoring of all your architecture's components, you can also work with our engineers to define customized monitoring probes that will alert you to the slightest slowdown in your site's performance. Finally, for the most advanced security needs, our teams can work closely with your developers to set up a WAF (Web Application Firewall) to ensure that incoming requests are legitimate.

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance

At NFrance, we offer managed hosting of your data in an ISO 27001 and HDS-certified datacenter located in the Toulouse Region and fully operated by NFrance. As experts in data monitoring, our team can help you protect your data against cyber-attacks. Our experts ensure the security of your data stored in France, and guarantee your independence by using mainly open source technologies.

Don't hesitate to contact an NFrance expert at 05 34 45 55 00.