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  • May 6, 2024
    HDS certification: one of the highest levels of security for your data
    Since 2023, we have been proud to benefit from dual ISO 27001 and HDS certification for our physical infrastructure hosting services. What is the purpose of HDS certification? How does it work? What is its scope? Let's find out everything you need to know about HDS certification.
  • May 17, 2023
    Why set up a private cloud?
    Cloud Services are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility, scalability and accessibility. However, there are several types of cloud services, such as public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. Let's take a look at the advantages of the private cloud.
  • March 29, 2023
    What is Green IT?
    In an increasingly connected society, technology plays a major role in our daily lives. This omnipresence of digital technology has a real impact on the environment, particularly in terms of the energy consumed and electronic waste produced. The concept of Green IT, or responsible digital, aims to reduce the ecological impact of the IT sector. Adopting a more responsible approach has become essential.
  • March 20, 2023
    Why use the hybrid cloud for your business?
    The hybrid cloud is an IT model that combines both public and private cloud Services. This environment offers companies advantages such as flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly to changing business needs.
  • February 20, 2023
    Meet Stéphane, project manager at NFrance
    Meet Stéphane, Project Manager at NFrance
  • February 10, 2023
    What is the role of a datacenter?
    A datacenter is an infrastructure that houses IT systems and associated components such as telecommunications and storage systems. It is used to store, manage and process large quantities of data on behalf of customers. The NFrance datacenter offers customers secure access to their data stored in the cloud, while reducing the costs associated with maintaining the physical infrastructure.
  • August 19, 2022
    Why choose clustered server hosting?
    Bertrand Cebador, NFrance's Systems Administrator, explains what a cluster is, how it works, its advantages and why you should opt for it.
  • June 1, 2022
    French sovereign cloud: definition and challenges
    The cloud revolution has already been underway for several years now. The cloud simplifies document sharing, digital application operation and data storage. More and more sensitive data is being stored in the cloud, but what about security and traceability?
  • May 17, 2022
    Everything a company needs to know about a business recovery plan
    Breakdowns, fires, floods, computer attacks and other external events can occur at any time. So how can you anticipate risks, limit their impact and ensure that your business resumes as quickly as possible? The solution: draw up a Disaster Recovery Plan, discover its advantages and how to implement it.
  • April 5, 2022
    Meet David, Systems Engineer
    Meet David, who is currently a Systems Engineer and joined the NFrance teams in 2021.
  • March 8, 2022
    NFrance interconnects with Renater to guarantee a reliable, secure IT network for its customers in the education sector
    Digital Practices now affect the entire Educational community. Providing schools with a secure, reliable computer network under all circumstances is a real challenge. That's why NFrance has joined the Renater network, to reinforce the quality of service it provides to its customers in the education sector.
  • February 8, 2022
    How do you secure your website?
    Websites are an important part of any information system. They can be the target of many different types of attack. That's why it's essential to secure your websites as much as possible, to block or reduce the impact of these attacks. Why and how should you secure your website? All the answers to your questions in this article.
  • December 2, 2021
    How does Toulouse metropole cope with DDoS attacks?
    In France, Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks have more than doubled in the space of a year. They have increased in both volume and throughput, making them more difficult to thwart. A DDoS attack is exactly what Toulouse Métropole recently suffered. Read the testimonial from Grégory Bouet, former senior officer at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces and currently Information Systems Security Manager at Toulouse Métropole.
  • October 29, 2021
    NFrance confirms its ISO 27001 certification
    NFrance maintains its ISO 27001 certification for its hosting and infrastructure services in the public cloud of its datacenter. Obtaining this certification is the first step in the process of securing our information system. The aim is to continuously improve our internal processes to offer our customers the highest level of security for their data. Since 2020, following a surveillance audit, NFrance has renewed our ISO 27001 certification every year.
  • September 24, 2021
    [Video testimonial] Why monitor your websites?
    Read what Pierre ASTRUC, Technical Director of Evertest, has to say about setting up IT monitoring: "Why set up monitoring on your websites?"
  • September 15, 2021
    IT security: Opt for outsourced data backup
    Computer backups are designed to secure the data on a company's information system. There are several types of computer backup. Local backup on physical media is currently the School Principal backup method for companies. However, in the event of disaster or theft, this single backup solution is not sufficient. Outsourced backup, located on an external site, is the solution for securing your data in all circumstances.
  • August 30, 2021
    Evertest: proactive website monitoring
    Monitoring plays a vital role in guaranteeing a company's web performance. The aim of IT monitoring is to optimize the operation of the information system, while ensuring the availability and performance of IT equipment.
  • July 8, 2021
    NFrance Newsletters
    In this article, you'll find the previous NFrance newsletters sent to our subscribers every quarter.
  • June 28, 2021
    [Video testimonial] How Groupe Bernard strengthened the security and performance of its e-commerce site?
    In 2019, Groupe Bernard overhauled its website to offer its Users a more efficient and secure site.
  • June 3, 2021
    What is the purpose of computer monitoring?
    Today's companies use monitoring tools to accurately measure the quality and reliability of their software, networks, servers and so on. In this way, they ensure a high level of performance and availability for their information systems. Find out why monitoring is a key element of your IT organization.
  • May 5, 2021
    Groupe Bernard chooses NFrance cloud for new e-commerce site
    In 2014, Groupe Bernard initiated the creation of its e-commerce website: This website offers the sale of new and used vehicles, as well as car maintenance, repair and trade-in services for its network of 57 dealerships located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Grand Est regions. In 2019, the group has chosen to overhaul its website to offer its Users a more efficient site. Find out how this digital transformation project was carried out by the Bernard Group? Olivier Bal, the Group's Technical Director, talks about the project's 2 key objectives.
  • April 8, 2021
    Digital innovation: why capitalize on open source?
    In the web world, open source technologies play a major role, such as the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) free software suite or Node.js, the pillar of the full stack approach to building web servers. Why use open source technologies? Find out more about the benefits of open source for companies, customers and users alike.
  • March 2, 2021
    DDoS attacks: how can you guarantee the security and accessibility of your infrastructure?
    With the ever-increasing flow of data on the web, DDoS attacks are on the increase. It is therefore essential to strengthen the security of IT infrastructures in order to guarantee the continued availability and performance of systems in the event of a DDoS attack. What are the different types of DDoS attack, how do they work and how can you protect against them? All the answers in this article!
  • February 25, 2021
    Voile Banque Populaire opts for high availability and secure cloud infrastructure
    BPCE's Brand Communications Department has renewed its confidence in NFrance to host and manage its new platform dedicated to Banque Populaire sailing events. This was a complex project, due to the technical and security requirements. Benjamin Maître, Head of Sponsoring and Patronage, in charge of the Voile Banque Populaire website, explains how the new platform was set up, offering high availability and enhanced security.
  • January 20, 2021
    Meet Maxime, Technical Expert
    After graduating with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I joined the Telecommunications Systems and Computer Networks master's program at the University of Toulouse. After graduating in 2014, the opportunity arose to join NFrance to strengthen the system Settings teams.
  • January 8, 2021
    RGPD: NFrance, a trusted partner
    NFrance teams ensure the monitoring and security of the processing of your personal data in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • December 1, 2020
    Meet Bertrand, Linux infrastructure technical lead
    Bertrand is currently Lead tech infras Linux and joined NFrance 2 years ago. In direct contact with our customers, he participates in the design of architectures, coordinates and contributes to the implementation of infrastructures and systems.
  • October 16, 2020
    Toulouse Métropole renews its confidence in NFrance
    NFrance and Toulouse Métropole have been working closely together since 2015. In 2020, Toulouse Métropole is renewing its trust in NFrance to host, operate and maintain its outsourced internet platform.
  • September 17, 2020
    NFrance to obtain ISO 27001 certification in 2020
    NFrance, the Toulouse-based SME specializing in hosting and outsourcing of mission-critical applications, reinforces its expertise in data security by obtaining ISO 27001 certification for its hosting infrastructures and datacenter network capacities. NFrance joins a select group of national companies to have received this certification. This certification testifies to the solidity and reliability of its Services.
  • March 17, 2020
    COVID-19: NFrance ensures business continuity
    To cope with the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, our management has deployed a specific Business Continuity Plan (BCP). It is regularly tested to update functional and technical measures as the context evolves.
  • February 28, 2020
    IRP AUTO opts for enhanced monitoring
    Since 2013, NFrance has been supporting IRP AUTO, the social protection group for automotive services professionals, in hosting and outsourcing its web portal. The platform's needs have evolved over time. IRP AUTO provides social protection (prevention, health, provident, savings, retirement and social action) for over a million people in this industry.
  • February 18, 2020
    Voile Banque Populaire chooses high availability for its website
    Voile Banque Populaire has just selected a new media distribution and storage tool (videos and photos) developed by the Sea Events/ Inodia agencies. To host its new platform, the company has renewed its confidence in NFrance.
  • February 5, 2020
    Rennes School of Business: successful migration of its ERP hosting from Microsoft Azure to NFrance
    Rennes School of Business (RSB) was won over by the Cloud offering from NFrance and its partner Auriga (France's leading software publisher for managing higher education Schooling) to migrate the hosting of its ERP from Microsoft Azure to NFrance.